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Quantitative or qualitative indicators provide evidence on the achievement of results. Indicators add greater precision to the project goals and serve as a binding standard for measuring the attainment of goals and thus the success of the project. The Mitigation Action Facility Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework defines three types of indicators: core mandatory indicators, sector-specific outcome indicators and project-specific output indicators. All indicators have to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound).

Implementing Partners (IPs)

Implementing Partners, now referred to as Project Partners under the Mitigation Action Facility, are national (sector) ministries, financial institutions such as regional or national (development) banks and other public and/or private entities working closely with the Implementation Organisation(s) and together with them mandated by the national government to implement and operate the project. The strong involvement and ownership of the project partners is considered to be essential for the success of the project.


The implementation of a project refers to the stage when the project design, institutional set up, measures and activities are sufficiently developed and prepared to get started on the ground.

Impacts (long-term results)

Long-term direct and indirect effects of the project that reflect the ambition criteria: potential for transformational change including sustainable development co-benefits, financial ambition and mitigation ambition.

General Information Document (GID)

A document that provides general information on the Mitigation Action Facility, its objectives and functioning as well as specific information on the selection process of projects for funding under the Calls for Projects of the Mitigation Action Facility. The purpose of the document is to assist national governments of partner countries and other potential Applicants in preparing Project Concepts and Project Outlines for submission to the Mitigation Action Facility.

Gantt chart

A visual illustration of the project time schedule. It displays the outcome, the timeframe of outputs and milestones and related activities along the timeline of the project.

Financial ambition

One of the ambition criteria of the Mitigation Action Facility. The financial ambition of a project is assessed as its ability to leverage additional private and/or public funds for the implementation of the mitigation action and/or for financing carbon-neutral investments related to the mitigation action. The financial potential is also reflected in two of the mandatory core indicators of the Mitigation Action Facility.

Financial mechanism

Financial mechanism is one of the key interventions of the projects of the Mitigation Action Facility and a crucial part of their financial cooperation (FC) components. Financial mechanisms aim to address and overcome financial barriers that hinder investments in carbon-neutral technologies and/or practices. The following instruments employed through financial mechanisms can be highlighted: – Risk mitigation instruments that address high (perceived) risk (e.g. guarantees); – Financing & refinancing instruments that supply additional long-term capital (e.g. loans); – Grant instruments that address gaps in the financial viability.

Business model

A key indicator for transformational change in a sector is the redirection of the flow of funds. To achieve this, consumer and/or investor decisions must be influenced towards a carbon-neutral pathway. The underlying assumption is that consumers/investors will change their commercial/financial decisions if it is economically beneficial for them and if it follows a potentially successful business model. The project needs to offer a (potentially) successful “business model” for consumers/investors including adequate financing mechanisms.


People in the country (and area), where the project is implemented that directly benefit from the project by using the services and goods that are provided by the project (“end-users”). This could be economic benefits, improvements in quality of life or improved capacities.

Applicant Support Partner (ASP)

If a national ministry submits the Project Concept, a legal entity complying with the capacity criteria as stipulated in the General Information Document (GID) should be identified latest by the time of the Project Outline submission. This legal entity will serve as an Applicant Support Partner (ASP) for the contracting of the Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP).


In the initial Project Concept and Outline Phases, national ministries or legal entities may function as Applicants, i.e. submit a Project Concept and, upon selection, an Outline to the Mitigation Action Facility. If a national ministry acts as an Applicant, it has to define an Applicant Support Partner (ASP) (see the definition below). Legal entities acting as Applicants and ASPs must comply with capacity requirements as stipulated in the General Information Document (GID). In case of the selection for the Project Outline Phase, an Applicant (legal entity) shall provide evidence of the sufficient endorsement by the national government institutions relevant for the project implementation with the submission of the Project Outline. Upon selection of the Project Outline for the Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP), the legal entity (Applicant / ASP) will then function as a contracting partner for DPP.