From the 4th Call onwards, this term was substituted by NAMA Support Organisation (NSO). From the establishment of the Call under the Mitigation Action Facility, the term NSO was substituted with Implementation Organisation.
The stage of the Project Proposal development that follows the Project Outline selection phase and precedes the submission of Project Proposals. From the 4th Call onwards, this stage is called Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP).
The Ambition Initiative Call (launched in 2020) and the Ambition Initiative – Round Two (launched in 2021) under the former NAMA Facility featured several new characteristics that distinguished them from previous Calls (1st-7th), targeting an even higher level of ambition in mitigation projects to achieve transformation towards carbon-neutrality and to allow countries to build back greener as they recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. The new characteristics included: – Focus on enhanced and ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as an eligibility criterium; – focus on projects targeting sectors explicitly included in the enhanced NDCs; – emphasis on the role of global cooperation in climate change mitigation, in particular on cooperation with the NDC Partnership (NDCP); – the requirement to ensure contribution to existing national efforts for green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic; – strengthened emphasis on innovation in the context of raised NDC ambition and consideration of applications for projects that require a small sized pilot for novel technologies before moving into a larger scale project (the focus on novel technologies was optional for projects); – increased upper funding volume of EUR 25 million per project; – disbursement of additional budget for highly successful projects; – possibility for commercial organisations to serve as Applicants/Applicant Support Partners (ASPs) and implementation organisations (former NSOs).
NAMAs refer to any action that reduces emissions in developing countries and is prepared under the umbrella of a national governmental initiative. They can be policies directed at transformational change within an economic sector, or actions across sectors for a broader national focus. NAMAs are supported and enabled by technology, financing, and capacity-building and are aimed at achieving a reduction in emissions relative to ‘business as usual’ emissions in 2020. They are defined at two levels: 1) NAMAs at the National Level and 2) Individual NAMAs that contribute towards meeting the objectives of NAMAs at the National Level (Source and more information: UNFCCC).
NDCs are at the heart of the Paris Agreement. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris Agreement (Article 4, paragraph 2) requires each Party to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve. Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, with the aim of achieving the objectives of such contributions (Source: UNFCCC).
An entity taking the role as an Applicant, Applicant Support Partner or Implementation Organisation (former NAMA Support Organisation (NSO)) in the preparation/implementation of a project as stipulated in 3.4 of the General Information Document (GID).
The stage of the Project Proposal development with a duration of either 10 or 15 months that follows the Project Outline Phase and precedes the submission of Project Proposals. To learn more about what it takes to craft a detailed Project Proposal, visit the Knowledge & Learning Hub.
All projects with an overall duration of more than three years are subject to a mid-term and to a final evaluation and learning exercise (ELE). These ELEs are part of the Mitigation Action Facility’s working approach to catalyse transformational change through incremental monitoring processes that allow fearless learning.
Change is considered transformational if it is significant, abrupt (quicker than the business-as-usual) and permanent/irreversible in bringing the country on a carbon-neutral development trajectory in line with the 1.5-degree-objective. Projects can support the transformational change by enabling a significant evolution in terms of scope (e.g. scaling-up or replication), a faster change or a significant shift from one state to another. They do so by influencing policies, regulation and enforcement, and by providing adequate financing mechanisms that manage to incentivise consumer/investor decisions in order to sustainably redirect the flow of funds in the sector towards the carbon-neutral pathway.
The Technical Support Unit (TSU) manages the Mitigation Action Facility on behalf of the Board. It serves as the secretariat of the Mitigation Action Facility and as the focal point for national governments, Project Partners as well as for Implementation Organisations and other stakeholders. The TSU is responsible for organising Calls for Projects, steering the assessment of Project Concepts, Outlines and Proposals; advising Applicants / ASPs during DPP, including the provision of support through external experts; monitoring and evaluation of the overall Mitigation Action Facility, reporting to the Board; communicating within the Mitigation Action Facility and with external stakeholders; facilitating the dissemination of lessons learned.