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Mitigation action / measure

A broad range of concrete instruments and activities developed and implemented in order to meet the objectives of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Under the Mitigation Action Facility, mitigation actions / measures are focused on driving decarbonisation in priority sectors, including energy, transport and industry.

Long-term Strategy (LTS)

Long-term strategies (LTSs) along with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are on of the key mechanisms under the Paris Agreement to achieve climate-resilient future. In contrary to NDCs that operate on five-year cycles, LTSs involve planning to 2050. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, all Parties should strive to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies, mindful of Article 2 (long-term temperature goal) taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.

Implemention Organisation

Implementation Organisations, formerly known under the NAMA Facility as, firstly, Delivery Organisations and, later, NAMA Support Organisations (NSOs), are responsible and accountable for the proper delivery of funds and/or services, the financial and administrative management of the project, as well as monitoring and reporting to the Technical Support Unit (TSU) and the Board. A suitable Implementation Organisation can be nominated latest during the first three months Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP) to then be in charge of the Project Proposal submission. The architecture of the Mitigation Action Facility does not allow for a direct transfer of funds to government institutions (i.e. Ministries) in partner countries. The Ministries therefore cannot serve as Implementation Organisations but are widely represented as Project Partners.  

Partner ministry

(Sub-) National ministry or ministries that due to their mandate are essential for the success of the project of the Mitigation Action Facility, and that endorse the Project Outline and, upon selection for DPP, the Project Proposal. Partner Ministry /-ies usually serve as Project Partners and have formalised relationships with the Implementation Organisation (e.g. in a form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Implementation Agreement). These are often line/sector ministries and ministries in charge of environmental and climate change related matters.

Financial leverage

The amount of money invested into carbon-neutral technologies and/or practices promoted by a project by public and private entities in a country of the project implementation as a direct result of the projects` interventions and, particularly, its financial mechanism.

Sustainable development co-benefits

Contributions to sustainable socio-economic, ecological and institutional development associated with a project and which go beyond the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Co-benefits are mostly reflected in the respective sector policy and can be obtained at a regional or local level (e.g. increase in income, social security, reduction of airborne pollutants). Sustainable development co-benefits are considered a key element to create country ownership and a driver for transformational change. They thus can have an important impact on the long-term sustainability of a project.

Green technology

Technology whose use is intended to mitigate or reverse the effects of human activity on the environment.


Human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gas (GHG). Examples include using fossil fuels more efficiently for industrial processes or electricity generation, switching to solar energy or wind power, improving the insulation of buildings, and expanding forests and other ‘sinks’ to remove greater amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Indirect mitigation potential

Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions achieved by the project capture emission reductions beyond those related to direct investments, e.g., resulting from technical assistance. Hence, potential emission reductions that fall in the following categories:

  • Results of technical cooperation (TC) component during and after project period
  • Results of financial cooperation (FC) component but only for units installed / measures implemented after project end, as a result of the continuation of the financial mechanism

Timing includes:

  • Technical cooperation: during project period and during period of 10 years after project end, (during lifetime: optional)
  • Financial cooperation: for units installed after project end for period 10 years after project end, (during lifetime: optional)

Direct mitigation potential

Achieved by project investments and discrete investments financed or leveraged during the project’s supervised implementation period (throughout the entire lifetime of the project). Hence, direct emission reductions are defined as mitigation achieved by units or measures (partially) financed or leveraged by the financial cooperation (FC) component of the project funding during the project period:

  • Units must be installed / measures must be implemented during project period
  • Timing of mitigation effect: during project period, during period of 10 years after project end and
    over technology lifetime (but only for those units installed during project period)