Our growing portfolio includes 60 projects from 37 countries, selected through the last 11 Calls, which run on an annual basis. Explore our projects below.
India – Industrial Clusters
Bhutan – Solar Power Solutions
Brazil – E-Buses Industry
Vietnam – Sustainable Industries
Kazakhstan – Reactive Power
South Africa – Steel
Indonesia – Biogas
The project helps to reduce emissions through financial and technical means that encourage the private sector to contribute to this goal.
India – Steel
Through financial, technical, and educational measures, the project fosters green steel production in India.
Mauritius – Energy Efficiency
Through educational, legal and political means, the project promotes service contracts based on energy savings, thus increasing efficiency.
Colombia – Energy Communities
The project adopts the Energy Communities model to Colombia, fostering sustainability and democratization of energy access and green economic growth.
Pakistan – Battery Swapping Network
The project promotes the swapping and repairing of batteries in electric vehicles, especially three-wheelers, which are widely used in Pakistan.
Brazil – Fertiliser Industry
The project aims to revolutionize agriculture by introducing sustainable farming practices such as carbon-negative organo-mineral fertilizers.
Nepal – Sustainable Forest Management and Bioenergy
The project aims to improve carbon sequestration of forests and to encourage conventional fuel users to switch to sustainable biomass pellets.
Paraguay – Public Transport
The project aims to support the introduction of at least 1,000 electric buses (over 10 years) powered by renewable energy.
Mongolia – Clean Heating
To reduce emissions from carbon-based heating, the project promotes solar heating technologies and policies that encourage their dissemination.
Namibia – Biomass
The project is demonstrating the potential of growing shrubs for power generation by supporting the construction of a 40 MW biomass power plant.
Indonesia – Sustainable Urban Transport Program (SUTRI NAMA)
The project contributes to transforming urban transport in Indonesia through capacity-building, technical, and political measures.
Mexico – Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises
The project provides funding for more complex energy efficiency measures in small and medium-sized enterprises, reducing emissions and costs.
Thailand – Low-Emission Rice (Thai Rice)
The project promotes low-emission rice production through a combination of components targeting farmers, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
Tunisia – Clean Energy in Buildings
The project will help to accelerate the deployment of renewable and energy efficiency measures in the country’s building sector.
Thailand – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Thai RAC)
The project promotes green refrigeration and air conditioning. It reviews policy and financial frameworks and raises awareness of the benefits.
South Africa – Public Buildings and Infrastructure
The project aims to catalyse an energy efficiency transformation in the public sector through investment risk mitigation and technical support.
Rwanda – Accelerating the deployment of E-motos
The project promotes the widespread adoption of e-motos, thereby reducing emissions while providing development co-benefits.
Philippines – Tidal Stream
The project will help small island grid operators to replace fossil fuel-based power generation with sustainable hybrid TSE systems.
Peru – Sustainable Urban Transport
The project promotes sustainable urban transport in Peru by supporting coordination and governance, policy development and emissions measurement.
Nepal – Electric Public Transport
The project promotes the uptake of electric vehicles, particularly in public transport, through policy, regulatory and capacity building reforms.
Mozambique – Sustainable Waste Management for a Circular Economy
The project promotes investment in integrated waste treatment and disposal facilities with the ultimate aim of building a circular economy.
Mongolia – Energy Performance Building Retrofitting
The project jump-starts a thermo-technical retrofitting program and creates the market conditions to scale up investments in energy efficiency.
Mexico – New Housing
The project promotes cost-effective energy-efficient building concepts across the housing sector, with a particular focus on low-income housing.
Kenya – Post-Harvesting Solar-Cooling
The project aims to reduce post-harvest losses by educating farmers about post-harvest management and the benefits of solar-powered cold-storage.
Kenya – Small Vehicles E-Mobility
By subsidizing the purchase costs, the project promotes the uptake of electric vehicles, especially 2 and 3 wheelers, in peri-urban and rural markets.
Jordan – Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
The project helps to balance the supply and demand in the power grid by integrating renewable energy sources and hydroelectric energy storage.
India – Waste Solutions for a Circular Economy
The project promotes the low-carbon transformation of India’s waste sector by encouraging investment and strengthening the regulatory framework.
Honduras – Transforming the Livestock Sector
The project aims to transform 1,200 farms into low-carbon production systems while improving productivity, profitability and climate resilience.
Guatemala – Sustainable Cookstoves
The project creates better conditions for sustainable and efficient use of fuelwood and improves access to efficient technologies.
Egypt – Industry PV program
By installing an exemplary PV system, the project promotes the uptake of on-grid solar photovoltaics in small and medium industrial enterprises.
Costa Rica – Low-Carbon Coffee
The project focuses on the efficient use of fertilisers, reduced water and energy consumption in coffee processing to promote low-carbon coffee.
Costa Rica – Green Hydrogen
The project promotes the use of hydrogen from renewable energy sources in Costa Rica as an energy carrier and chemical ingredient.
Colombia – Domestic Refrigeration
The project promotes sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning through a ban on hydrofluorocarbons, a replacement program, and other measures.
Colombia – Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
The project promotes better-designed, walkable, transit-oriented neighbourhoods, reduces transport costs and improves social inclusion.
Chile – Self-Supply Renewable Energy (SSRE)
The project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by fostering renewable energy systems in small- and medium-sized businesses.
Cabo Verde – Electric Vehicles
The project will help the government to further develop and implement its strategy to promote electric vehicles.
Brazil – Transformative Investments for Industrial Energy Efficiency (PotencializEE)
The project promotes investment in industrial energy efficiency in Brazil and provides a transformative boost to the energy efficiency market.
EUR 826 million has been made available (as of May 2024) to fund project development, from a detailed project proposal to implementation. Most projects currently come from the energy sector (energy efficiency and renewable energy) and from the Latin America & Caribbean region. Projects receive funding for two components: financial and technical cooperation. Filter by region and area or use the search to find projects of interest.