Call Process
The Call process has evolved gradually since the 1st Call was launched back in 2013.
In Calls 1-3, the Proposal Phase was labelled as an “Appraisal Phase” and did not have a fixed duration. Starting from the 4th Call onwards, the Appraisal Phase was replaced by the Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP). The DPP involved a re-design of the Appraisal Phase to provide more support to projects through additional resources and a closer exchange between projects and the Technical Support Unit (TSU).
Starting from 2023, Calls of the Mitigation Action Facility are structured with the following consecutive and competitive phases – a Project Concept Phase, a Project Outline Phase, a Project Proposal, or Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP), and an Implementation Phase. The Project Concept Phase preceding the development of Project Outlines was introduced to simplify the application process and open the competition to a wider range of potential applicants and partners.
With each Call, the Mitigation Action Facility reflects on the Call process from the perspective of Applicants / Applicant Support Partners (ASPs) and adapts approaches and requirements accordingly.
Following the decision by the Board to avail funding for new projects, the TSU initiates the selection process via a public Call for Projects. In order to identify the most ambitious and feasible among them, a competitive selection process applies.
- Phase 1 (Concept Phase): The Project Concept Phase preceding the development of Project Outlines has been introduced with the Mitigation Action Facility Call for Projects 2023. The period for submitting Project Concepts lasts for two months. For the presentation of Project Concepts, a standardised web-based questionnaire (an Open Application Platform, OAP) is used inviting Applicants to provide details on the envisioned intervention (no Annexes to fill out, but information on the overall idea, rationale, technical and financial support, intended impacts, etc.) guided by the questions that will at a later stage require further, more detailed, elaboration in the Project Outline. The submission of Project Concepts is mandatory in order to proceed to the next steps in the selection process. All submitted Project Concepts undergo a desk assessment by the TSU. Based on the assessment and recommendation of the TSU, the Board selects up to 25 Project Concepts to proceed to the Project Outline Phase.
- Phase 2 (Outline Phase): A limited number of up to 25 Project Concepts approved to enter the Outline Phase are invited to submit Project Outlines supplemented by a number of Annexes detailing among others the project business model and financial mechanism, Logframe, GHG emission reductions, endorsement by key national ministries, etc. The Outline Phase, i.e. the period designated for the development and submission of a Project Outline, lasts for about two months. It is also foreseen that a limited number of Project Concepts (out of the 25 selected) submitted by Applicants / ASPs that have limited previous experience with the Mitigation Action Facility (and its predecessor, the NAMA Facility) can receive support in Outline development. All submitted Outlines undergo a thorough desk assessment, and some of them an additional in-depth on-site assessment by an independent external evaluator and the TSU. Based on the assessment and recommendation of the external evaluator and the TSU, the Board selects projects for funding of DPP.
- Phase 3 (DPP, or Proposal Phase): During DPP, support is provided for a more detailed preparation and refinement of projects. DPP of an individual project lasts either 10 or 15 months – the duration should be identified and indicated by the Applicant / ASP in the Project Outline. At the end of DPP, a Project Proposal needs to be submitted. Project Proposals undergo an assessment by external evaluators and the TSU. Based on the assessment and recommendation of the external evaluators and the TSU, the Board selects projects for funding of the Implementation Phase.
- Implementation Phase: Following the final approval of a project by the Board, the Implementation Organisation of the project concludes a grant agreement with the Facility Grant Agent. In order to ensure swift implementation, the Implementation Phase is divided into two distinct phases: Implementation Phase 1 which begins with the signing of the grant agreement for project implementation and provides time (up to 18 months) for a project to conclude all contracts and agreements necessary for the Financial Cooperation and Technical Cooperation components as well as to reach some predefined milestones. After Implementation Phase 1, the Board may decide to discontinue support if insufficient progress is achieved regarding the contracting process and pre-agreed milestones. Implementation Phase 2 is the phase of the full project implementation in the partner country.
In the Project Concept, Outline and DPP / Proposal Phases, all projects are evaluated against pre-determined selection criteria, which ensure that the most ambitious and transformational projects would be approved for funding and, thus, implementation. Read the General Information Document (GID) for the Call for Projects 2024 to learn more about the most recent Call of the Mitigation Action Facility.
The Project Concepts are firstly checked in terms of their eligibility including the following criteria:
- Timely submission (i.e. by the closure of the Project Concept Phase of a Call for Projects)
- Focus on one of the three priority sectors – energy, industry or transport; or a cross-sectoral project linked to one of the priority sectors
- Completeness of information (all mandatory fields in OAP are filled out)
- Information provided in English
- ODA-eligibility of the country according to the OECD DAC-list throughout the entire foreseen project implementation period
- Qualification of the Mitigation Action Facility funding as ODA finance
- Funding volume requested from the Mitigation Action Facility for implementation is in the range of EUR 5-25 million excluding DPP funding
- Envisaged implementation duration of 3 – 5 ½ years
In case of a selection for the Project Outline Phase, additional eligibility criteria are applied to Project Outlines.
Upon successfully passing through the eligibility check, both Concepts and Outlines are evaluated against a set of ambition and feasibility criteria (both are rated equally). Project Proposals submitted at the end of DPP are also evaluated based on the ambition and feasibility criteria, but in this case the feasibility criteria are emphasised.
Detailed information on selection criteria is available in the General information Document (GID) existing for each Call for Projects and providing an overview on the Mitigation Action Facility, its objective and functioning, as well as specific information on the selection process of projects for funding.
View the General Information Document (GID) for the Call for Projects 2024 for more details.