Calls for Projects
The new Call for Projects 2024 of the Mitigation Action Facility retains all the key features of the Call for Projects 2023. The most ambitious and feasible climate change mitigation projects are selected for funding support through a comprehensive process including the following phases: Concept Phase; Outline Phase; Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP); and Implementation Phase. Similar to the Call for Projects 2023, the Call 2024 builds on the legacy of the 9 Calls held between 2013 and 2021 as part of the NAMA Facility.
Following the mission and vision of the Mitigation Action Facility, its Calls for Projects focus on three priority sectors – energy, transport and industry, but remain open to cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors. With its focus on the priority sectors, the Mitigation Action Facility can significantly contribute to initiatives like the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, the Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) and the Climate Club. Where relevant, synergies with and a clear reference to the political agreement of the JETPs as well as the consecutive papers (such as an investment plan or an implementation plan) and the Climate Club priorities on transforming industries in the respective countries are highly encouraged.
Through its annual competitive Calls for Projects, the Facility strives to shift the targeted sectors towards a carbon-neutral development pathway. Projects funded by the Mitigation Action Facility help partner countries implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTSs). Mitigation Action Facility funding is used to develop financial mechanisms and deliver technical assistance to tackle wider policy, regulatory or other barriers that inhibit investment and constrain carbon-neutral development.
Means of Support
Outcome of a project
Financial Cooperation (FC)
- Investment grants
- Concessional loans
- Guarantee funds
- Advisory services (e. g. trainings for banks, design of financial support mechanisms)
Technical Cooperation (TC)
- Capacity development
- Pre-feasibility studies
- Development of a bankable project pipeline
- Knowledge exchange
- Awareness raising and outreach