2023 – The Mitigation Action Facility is launched in March 2023, with the biggest Call ever planned to be officially launched at the Global NDC Conference in Berlin (31 May- 2 June 2023).
2022-2023 – At COP27 in Egypt, the Board announces name change to Mitigation Action Facility, focus on driving decarbonisation and priority sectors and new funding from 2023.
2022 – Ambition Initiative – Round Two closes on 30 April and more than 40 Project Outlines are submitted.
2021-2022 – Selected projects from the Ambition Initiative and the Ambition Initiative- Round Two are announced at a COP26 side event in Glasgow.
2020-2021 – In December 2020, the Facility announces that its Ambition Initiative Call is officially open for Project Outline submissions. UK and Germany, alongside the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), intend to commit EUR 177 million to the Ambition Initiative.
2021 – Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) joins as the Facility’s newest Donor.
2020 – The Board announces a new funding commitment of up to EUR 60 million from Germany and the UK in support of the 7th Call for the submission of Project Outlines. The UK announced an additional contribution of up to EUR 38 million to the Facility to support projects from past and future Calls.
2018 – Donors launch the 6th Call for the submission of Project Outlines at the Facility’s COP24 side event in Katowice, Poland. The UK and Germany have again intended to contribute up to EUR 80 million for the 6th Call.
2017 – Donors (UK, Germany and the EU) announce the Facility’s 5th Call for Proposals (up to EUR 85 million) in conjunction with the COP 23 in Bonn, Germany.
2015 – COP21 in Paris is held and represents a landmark moment, where almost 190 countries submitted voluntary plans to move toward lower-carbon economies, or Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
2015 – Denmark and the European Union (EU) join the programme as new Donors. The 3rd Call for Project Outlines is made possible due to a joint contribution of additional funding of up to EUR 84 million by Germany, UK, Denmark and the EU. Germany and other Donors jointly provide up to EUR 59 million for a 4th Call.
2014 – Germany and the UK jointly contribute an additional EUR 49 million, to fund a 2nd bidding round for projects.
2013 – Original Donors jointly contribute an initial EUR 69 million of funding to support developing countries and emerging economies that show leadership on tackling climate change and that want to implement ambitious climate protection measures (NAMAs).
2012 – The Mitigation Action Facility, then known as the NAMA Facility, was jointly founded by Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) at the climate negotiations in Doha, Qatar.
2007 – The concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) was first agreed at the Bali United Nations Conference of Parties (COP).