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Transformational change potential

Change is considered transformational if it is significant, abrupt (quicker than the business-as-usual) and permanent/irreversible in bringing the country on a carbon-neutral development trajectory in line with the 1.5-degree-objective. Projects can support the transformational change by enabling a significant evolution in terms of scope (e.g. scaling-up or replication), a faster change or a significant shift from one state to another. They do so by influencing policies, regulation and enforcement, and by providing adequate financing mechanisms that manage to incentivise consumer/investor decisions in order to sustainably redirect the flow of funds in the sector towards the carbon-neutral pathway.

Technical Support Unit (TSU)

The Technical Support Unit (TSU) manages the Mitigation Action Facility on behalf of the Board. It serves as the secretariat of the Mitigation Action Facility and as the focal point for national governments, Project Partners as well as for Implementation Organisations and other stakeholders. The TSU is responsible for organising Calls for Projects, steering the assessment of Project Concepts, Outlines and Proposals; advising Applicants / ASPs during DPP, including the provision of support through external experts; monitoring and evaluation of the overall Mitigation Action Facility, reporting to the Board; communicating within the Mitigation Action Facility and with external stakeholders; facilitating the dissemination of lessons learned.