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Project Outline

A detailed project concept and the proposed intervention prepared according to the requirements of the Mitigation Action Facility for Phase 2 (Project Outline Phase) of the project selection process.

Project Proposal

A comprehensive description of the project and the proposed intervention that is prepared during DPP (Phase 3 of the selection process).

Project Concept

An initial project idea outlined in a concise manner according to the requirements of the Mitigation Action Facility for Phase 1 (Project Concept Phase) of the project selection process.

Project Partner

Project Partners consist of national (sector) ministries, financial institutions such as regional or national (development) banks and other public and/or private entities working closely with the Implementation Organisation(s) and together with them mandated by the national government to implement and operate the project. The strong involvement and ownership of the project partners is considered to be essential for the success of the project. Under the NAMA Facility, they were called implementing partners (IPs).  


Projects are funded by the Mitigation Action Facility and provide support to governments for the implementation of mitigation actions through the provision of financial support and technical cooperation instruments. Under the NAMA Facility, these were called NAMA Support Projects (NSPs).

Partner country

An ODA-eligible country in which a project of the Mitigation Action Facility is being developed (DPP), implemented or has concluded the Implementation Phase.

Partner ministry

(Sub-) National ministry or ministries that due to their mandate are essential for the success of the project of the Mitigation Action Facility, and that endorse the Project Outline and, upon selection for DPP, the Project Proposal. Partner Ministry /-ies usually serve as Project Partners and have formalised relationships with the Implementation Organisation (e.g. in a form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Implementation Agreement). These are often line/sector ministries and ministries in charge of environmental and climate change related matters.