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Implemention Organisation

Implementation Organisations, formerly known under the NAMA Facility as, firstly, Delivery Organisations and, later, NAMA Support Organisations (NSOs), are responsible and accountable for the proper delivery of funds and/or services, the financial and administrative management of the project, as well as monitoring and reporting to the Technical Support Unit (TSU) and the Board. A suitable Implementation Organisation can be nominated latest during the first three months Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP) to then be in charge of the Project Proposal submission. The architecture of the Mitigation Action Facility does not allow for a direct transfer of funds to government institutions (i.e. Ministries) in partner countries. The Ministries therefore cannot serve as Implementation Organisations but are widely represented as Project Partners.  

Indirect mitigation potential

Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions achieved by the project capture emission reductions beyond those related to direct investments, e.g., resulting from technical assistance. Hence, potential emission reductions that fall in the following categories:

  • Results of technical cooperation (TC) component during and after project period
  • Results of financial cooperation (FC) component but only for units installed / measures implemented after project end, as a result of the continuation of the financial mechanism

Timing includes:

  • Technical cooperation: during project period and during period of 10 years after project end, (during lifetime: optional)
  • Financial cooperation: for units installed after project end for period 10 years after project end, (during lifetime: optional)


Quantitative or qualitative indicators provide evidence on the achievement of results. Indicators add greater precision to the project goals and serve as a binding standard for measuring the attainment of goals and thus the success of the project. The Mitigation Action Facility Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework defines three types of indicators: core mandatory indicators, sector-specific outcome indicators and project-specific output indicators. All indicators have to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound).

Implementing Partners (IPs)

Implementing Partners, now referred to as Project Partners under the Mitigation Action Facility, are national (sector) ministries, financial institutions such as regional or national (development) banks and other public and/or private entities working closely with the Implementation Organisation(s) and together with them mandated by the national government to implement and operate the project. The strong involvement and ownership of the project partners is considered to be essential for the success of the project.


The implementation of a project refers to the stage when the project design, institutional set up, measures and activities are sufficiently developed and prepared to get started on the ground.

Impacts (long-term results)

Long-term direct and indirect effects of the project that reflect the ambition criteria: potential for transformational change including sustainable development co-benefits, financial ambition and mitigation ambition.