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NAMA Facility Webinar: 7th Call – FAQs and Clarifications

On Tuesday, 14 July from 2:00 – 3:00 PM (CEST), the NAMA Facility will present a webinar entitled “7th Call – FAQs and Clarifications”. This webinar will guide potential Applicants through the information necessary for developing a 7th Call Outline. Among others, the webinar will cover the following topics: 

  • Information on the NAMA Facility and the 7th Call
  • Update on implications of Covid-19 
  • Overview of 7th Call selection criteria
  • Run-through of selected frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Plus three question and answer (Q&A) sessions

Also check out the new fictional NSP Outline that featured in the webinar and was developed by the TSU as a guide for 7th Call applicants.

And, as discussed in the webinar, check out the video introduction to Annex 6 – GHG Mitigation Potential.

Don’t forget the 7th Call Outline submission deadline: 30 September 2020 at 3pm CEST.

The NAMA Facility has prepared numerous resources to support Applicants in the 7th Call NSP Outline development process:
