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Annual Report

NAMA Facility: Annual Report 2020

Meeting the international community’s climate targets requires bold, transformational action through policy, investment and capacity building. At the NAMA Facility, we strive to bridge the gap between ambitious climate targets and practical climate action. With the funding and guidance of our Donors and together with our global partner countries, we provide technical expertise and financial support to projects (known as NSPs) to trigger carbon-neutral development. With the publication of our 2020 Annual Report, the second time we publish such a report for the general public, we invite you to engage with our work from the past year. 

As with various other initiatives, the NAMA Facility faced its share of challenges and opportunities during the unpredictable year of 2020. We saw a continued interest in the NAMA Facility’s offerings, with 58 Outlined submitted, nearly a third of which came from least developed countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Our major activities in the fall involved assessing Outlines for our Donors to short-list for in-depth assessment in early 2021. 2020 also marked an exciting year for us with the launch of the Ambition Initiative (8th Call), distinct from previous Calls for its focus on enhanced, ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), larger funding volumes per project, and a focus on a green recovery from COVID-19. This year, our portfolio further evolved with three projects approved for implementation, including Brazil Industrial Energy Efficiency, Cabo Verde Electric Mobility and India Waste Management. The end-of-year portfolio presents a total of 20 NSPs in implementation and 8 NSPs in preparation (DPP), with a few cases of NSP components being concluded. NSPs demonstrated progress throughout 2020, with the achievement of milestones in reference to our core indicators, driving impact beyond the immediate projects themselves. Lessons learnt, derived from NSPs’ successes and failures, will be discussed further in the full report. Beyond the project portfolio, we introduced new approaches to improve internal processes at the NAMA Facility and help us adapt over time. These include streamlined NSP Risk Monitoring, a Second Interim Evaluation of the NAMA Facility and the first Evaluation and Learning Exercises (ELEs) of NSPs. Most significantly, the NAMA Facility has had to adapt and respond to COVID-19 impacts, which has added uncertainty to NSPs across the project cycle. 

While we hope this publication contributes to great learning and increased transparency, the report has been modified not to reveal certain confidential information. We look forward to your questions and comments! 

Dr. Sören David, Head of the Technical Support Unit, NAMA Facility 
