The webinar series coincided with the the Ambition Intiative – Round Two, an open Call for Projects launched at COP26 in Glasgow. It was intended to support Call applicants and provide lessons learnt from the project portfolio.
Three webinars were held as part of the series:
1) 15 December 2021 – Introduction to Ambition Initiative – Round Two, providing an overview of the new Call and emphasising the relevant criteria used for assessing and selecting NSP Outlines;
2) 16 February 2022 – NSP Outline Development: Practical Examples. offering among others a deep dive into the AFOLU sector and featuring recommendations for the NSP Outlines preparing an intervention in this sector; and
3) 23 March 2022 – Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions. highlighting the most common questions and clarification requests as well as describing lessons learnt from the various sectors the NSPs are active in.