All NAMA Support Projects (NSPs) with an overall duration of more than three years are subject to a mid-term and to a final evaluation and learning exercise (ELE). These ELEs are part of the NAMA Facility’s working approach to catalyse transformational change through incremental monitoring processes that allow fearless learning.
The Technical Support Unit (TSU) has commissioned AMBERO and Oxford Policy Management to conduct the ELEs. The exercise is based on a theoretical framework which involves a document review, participatory workshops and stakeholder interviews to collect evidence about NSPs’ results and lessons. These elements are then analysed using a theory-based approach centered on the use of contribution analysis and reinforced by elements of process tracing. The ELEs seek to address the following questions:
- Has the NSP achieved its results?
- Has the NSP started to trigger transformational change?
- What was learnt from the NSP so far?
This document presents the findings of the final ELE from Mexico New Housing, focusing in particular on its Financial Component, which was undertaken during the period July – October 2021. More information about the focus of this ELE and on the methodology followed can be found in Section 1.2 and Section 2, respectively.
The TSU and NSP published a management response to the recommendations made by the evaluation team in this ELE report.