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“Waste Solutions for a Circular Economy in India” Mid-term ELE Report shows impact from the doorstep to the national government

August 2, 2024
Image: Patna Pink MRF – Ayya Waste Management

The Waste Solutions for a Circular Economy in India project is intended to transform the way that the Indian Municipal Waste Management system works. In particular, by developing replicable, state-of-the-art, and circular economy approaches for the sector in India to substantially reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

AMBERO and Oxford Policy Management conducted a mid-term Evaluation and Learning Exercise (ELE) regarding the project’s progress. Here are a few significant outcomes of the ELE:  

  • The project is enabling significant behavioural change in source segregation. By tailoring approaches to local nuances, the local populations in the five implementation cities have seen large improvements in waste segregation by households.
  • The Grant Funding Mechanism used by the project is successfully lowering barriers for Municipal Corporations to access the equipment needed to transition to a low carbon waste management system. This is increasing the implementation of the necessary infrastructure to enable recycling and circular economies.
  • Gender considerations have been a significant part of the project. By targeting solutions towards women, such as a women-only Material Recovery Facility, the project is improving women’s livelihoods.
  • The project has successfully embedded technical experts into the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to support the effective implementation of the national government’s framework for low carbon municipal waste management. Ensuring that the project has a national impact, beyond the implementation cities.

Following the main findings and recommendations of the ELE, the TSU and the project have compiled a management response to address the key points that were raised. The management response and the mid-term ELE report are now available in the Knowledge & Learning Hub.