The 4th Call of the NAMA Facility closed on 31 October 2016. National governments and other qualified applicants were invited to submit NAMA Support Project Outlines. The response to the Call was unprecedented as a total number of 75 NAMA Support Project Outlines were submitted. The number of submissions indicates a high interest of countries in NAMA implementation, and reflects the impetus deriving from the Paris Agreement. Many national governments directly refer to the Paris Agreement or their Nationally Determined Contributions in their endorsement letters as the basis for their motivation to implement NAMAs.
A high proportion of the NAMA Support Project Outlines received have been found eligible, potentially as a result of the changed procedures introduced with the 4th Call. Of the 75 NAMA Support Project Outlines received only 8 have been found ineligible compared to approximately half have been found ineligible in the previous three Calls. To value the effort that has been put into the preparation of applications, the NAMA Facility will provide feedback to all applicants that request it.
On 8th December 2016, the funders of the NAMA Facility selected 12 NAMA Support Project Outlines to be taken forward for further evaluation including on-site assessments which will take place until February 2017.
The decision on the selection of NAMA Support Project Outlines to receive funding for a Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP) is expected to be taken in early spring 2017.
In order to facilitate the exchange and learning process within the NAMA community, the NAMA Facility has asked submitters to indicate whether general information (country and thematic focus) on their submission in the 4th Call may be published on the NAMA Facility website. Approving or rejecting the publication has had no influence on the selection process in the NAMA Facility.
Further updates will be published on the NAMA Facility’s website.