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Tunisia Powers Up: PROSOL ELEC Economique Takes Off to Boost Renewable Energy

September 27, 2024
Image: © GIZ Tunisia

At the beginning of 2024, Tunisia embarked on a new chapter in its energy transition journey with the pilot phase of the PROSOL ELEC Economique program. In Beja, local technicians began the first installations of solar PV systems in 10 households, laying the groundwork for a much larger initiative. These early installations not only powered residents with renewable energy but also allowed the project partners, technicians, and beneficiaries to exchange experiences and insights.

 As the months progressed, the program gathered momentum. Manuals and technical guidelines were developed to ensure that future installations could be rolled out smoothly, with the goal of reaching 65,000 middle-income households across the country. In parallel, the capacity-building measures of the program were put into action. Training sessions were held for over 150 participants from the private sector, STEG, and ANME to familiarize them with the program’s benefits and operational framework.

This journey culminated in the official launch of the PROSOL ELEC Economique program at the DecarboMed event on 25 September 2024. The Secretary of State for Energy Transition, along with the CEOs of STEG and ANME, announced Tunisia’s dedication to the PROSOL ELEC Economique, which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the energy sector. Backed by the Mitigation Action Facility, the program is a crucial step toward decarbonizing Tunisia’s energy landscape and highlights the country’s commitment to sustainable development. The program is now open and accessible to the public across all regions of Tunisia.

© GIZ Tunisia