As the deployment of Covid-19 vaccines is transcurring around the world, the end of the pandemic appears to be one step closer. In this context, the NAMA Facility continues its commitment to closely monitor the impacts and most recent developments of the pandemic and its effects on climate action. As such, the NAMA Facility’s “Covid -19, climate finance and stimulus packages” paper discusses the latest developments on GHG emissions and takes a closer look at the recovery plans and stimulus measures taken by countries to ramp up their climate action ambition in the context of the pandemic.
In order to support these efforts and in line with the NAMA Facility’s currently open Ambition Initiative Call, the Donors of the NAMA Facility continue to fund other initiatives. This is the case of BEIS’ Green Recovery Challenge Fund which will provide £12 million over two years on projects chosen on a competitive basis* that will help ODA-eligible countries accelerate their low-carbon transition through technical assistance measures. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the projects chosen by the Green Recovery Challenge Fund will have a strong focus on building back better and promoting a greener and more resilient future. This is in congruence with the commitment of the Donors of the NAMA Facility as expressed by Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation of Germany, during the launch of the Ambition Initiative:”…support is available for countries that are stepping up their climate ambitions”.
*The latest round for EOI submission of the Green Recovery Challenge Fund closed on 14 December 2020. EOIs are now being assessed and successful applications will be invited to submit a Full Proposal. For more information on further funding rounds please consult the webpage.
Read NAMA Facility’s paper on Covid-19, Climate Finance and Stimulus Packages.
Read about the Ambition Initiative Call.
Learn about BEIS’ Green Recovery Challenge Fund.
Watch the announcement of Ambition Initiative.
Find the Green Recovery Challenge Fund’s webpage.