On Wednesday, 21 April from 2:00 – 3:00 PM (CEST), the NAMA Facility held its third Ambition Initiative Call webinar titled “Ambition Initiative Call – Clarifications and FAQs”.
The webinar recording guides potential Applicants through the information necessary for developing an Ambition Initiative Call Outline. Among others, the webinar covered the following topics:
- Deep dive in selection criteria of the Ambition Initiative Call, with a special focus on the financial ambition
- Overview of the selected questions from the past Clarification Rounds
- Q&A session
On the NAMA Facility website, you will also find a wealth of resources to help in the Outline development process, including the Ambition Initiative Call:
- Timeline
- Selection process
- Application documents
- New features
- Clarifications and FAQs
We look forward to receiving your Outline!