The NAMA Facility hopes to announce a 5th Call by the end of the year, but a final decision cannot be made until after elections in both the UK and Germany.
The NAMA Facility has held four competitive Calls for NAMA Support Project Outlines between 2013 and 2016. The current portfolio comprises 14 NAMA Support Projects in appraisal and implementation. 7 NAMA Support Projects were selected in the fourth Call for receiving support for a Detailed Preparation Phase.
The NAMA Facility provides lessons learnt from the 4th Call in the format of a webinar (available online).
The NAMA Facility will continue to share lessons learnt also from NAMA Support Projects in implementation and make these available online.
To receive the latest NAMA Facility news and news on further Calls register for the NAMA Facility mailing list.
Find the project portfolio.
Watch the Webinar on Lessons Learnt 4th Call (please note: by clicking on this link you will be redirected to YouTube. You hereby give your consent for YouTube to use cookies on the device you are using. Learn more under Privacy).
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