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NAMA Facility Update: A Look Ahead Towards the 6th Call

October 11, 2018
Icon world in green future

The NAMA Facility will soon launch its 6th Call for submission of project Outlines. More details will be made available over the coming weeks. In the meantime, the NAMA Facility encourages potential applicants to consider project concepts for submission to the 6th Call. A webinar outlining lessons learnt from the 5th Call can be found on our website, and the NAMA Facility will hold another webinar detailing different aspects of financial mechanisms in mid-November. 

On 10 December, the NAMA Facility will again be hosting a side event at the COP 24 in Katowice, Poland. More details about this event will also be announced soon.  

The NAMA Facility and its Donors are committed to supporting ambitious climate mitigation action across the world. For the latest NAMA Facility announcements, including any information about the 6th Call, sign up for our newsletter.