From 19-20 June 2019, the NAMA Facility’s NAMA Support Projects that are currently in the Implementation Phase gathered, along with a number of country representatives, for internal exchange and learning at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn, Germany.
The two-day workshop brought together projects from across continents and sectors to work together to identify areas where common patterns could be extracted and shared as lessons for other projects. The overarching topic was Transformational Change, and the workshop sought to establish a common understanding of why systemic and concerted Transformational Change helps combat the negative effects of climate change through support projects’ ambitious climate action.
The workshop also provided space to exchange experiences and build trust between projects and it enabled them to form their own networks for exchange and learning. Methodologies including agile thinking and systems mapping were utilized to facilitate knowledge extraction and sharing.
This workshop was only the second occasion since the NAMA Facility’s founding where projects in the Implementation Phase from across the portfolio had the opportunity to come together in such a format.