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Germany and the United Kingdom announce the winning bids for funding of the NAMA Facility

November 15, 2013
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Germany and the UK have announced their financial support for climate protection projects to be implemented in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Indonesia.

The NAMA Facility Board selected four projects from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Indonesia for funding as a result of a transparent and competitive selection process. All projects submitted during the first call were evaluated against pre-determined selection criteria, which ensured that the most ambitious and transformational NAMAs would be selected for funding. In addition, an external assessment to ensure a rigorous, transparent and unbiased evaluation was conducted.

Being some of the most advanced and ambitious NAMAs worldwide, these projects will now enter into an appraisal process which will be conducted by the respective delivery organisations. Upon successful conclusion of the in-depth appraisal, the delivery organisations will submit their NAMA Support Project Proposal. 
In Chile, the NAMA in the energy sector will contribute to increased energy security and independence by financing the expansion of decentralised renewable energy systems for self-supply.

The Colombian NAMA supports the transformation of urban development in Colombia by demonstrating how transit-oriented urban development can reduce the growth in car traffic by 25–36 per cent and simultaneously improve air quality.

In Costa Rica, the project implements climate protection measures in the coffee sector, which is the source of 10 per cent of Costa Rica’s greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities will target the whole production chain from fertilisers to milling technologies.

Indonesia’s Sustainable Urban Transport Program will contribute to transforming urban transport in Indonesia by co-funding transport demand management measures, such as building ‘park and ride’ facilities, sidewalks and bicycle networks.