Extended information on 42 NAMA Support Project Outlines received in the 3rd Call of the NAMA Facility
October 12, 2015
Between 20 April and 15 July, National Governments and Delivery Organisations, were invited to submit NAMA Support Project Outlines to the NAMA Facility. The 3rd Call for NAMA Support Project Outlines is made possible due to a joint contribution of additional funding of up to EUR 85 million by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate (EFKM) and the European Commission.
Total NAMA Support Project Outlines received by region; third Call
In the 3rd Call, in total 42 NAMA Support Project Outlines were received. Outlines cover a large variety of sectors and all geographic regions. The largest share of NAMA Support Project Outlines was submitted by countries from Africa, followed by countries from Asia. Improving energy efficiency and enhancing the use of renewable energy were the most frequently chosen sectors for mitigation action. A total of 12 Outlines has been re-submitted from the previous Calls of the NAMA Facility.
NAMA Support Project Outlines received by sector; third call
In order to facilitate the exchange and learning process within the NAMA community, the NAMA Facility has asked eligible submitters, i.e. national ministries, regional organisations or delivery organisations, to indicate whether general information (country and thematic focus) on their submission in the 3rd Call can be published on the NAMA Facility website. Approving or rejecting the publication has had no influence on the selection process in the NAMA Facility. In total, 38 submitters in the 3rd Call of the NAMA Facility agreed to the publication of the general information on their NAMA Support Project.