Get engaged – Mid Term Evaluation of the NAMA Facility

Since 2013, the NAMA Facility has launched three calls for proposals, resulting in 14 NAMA Support Projects receiving accumulated funding of more than 200 million euros. The fourth call is ongoing. The Facility is currently also undergoing a Mid-Term Evaluation, led by LTS International. We are looking for your opinions and inputs on this evaluation!
What are the benefits of the evaluation for you?
The evaluation provides real-time learning opportunities for NAMA Facility implementation. Stakeholders have the opportunity to inform evaluation results, the outcomes of which will be made public and fed back to NAMA Facility developers and implementers.
This means the more you engage, the more you can inform and shape the evaluation and its findings.
Opinions captured through the evaluation may help to ensure that the NAMA Facility is getting the right recommendations to become more relevant, efficient, effective in promoting the most impactful and sustainable projects. The evaluation may also help to inform how the NAMA Facility remains relevant in this dynamic period when climate-financing mechanisms are constantly evolving. The evaluation can also help find out how best to use grant financing to support transformational NAMAs worldwide.
During the mid-term evaluation, stakeholder feedback may help to define the current level of readiness of NAMAs and support needs, which may enable adjustments to the NAMA Facility that maximises success. Lessons and recommendations also will be extracted to inform the design of future programmes.
How will the evaluation work?
LTS International Limited (LTS) has been contracted to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the NAMA Facility from May to November 2016. The mid-term evaluation is tasked with understanding strengths and weaknesses of the NAMA Facility at all levels, including the overall governance and the TSU as well as the pipeline and portfolio of Support Projects. It also will assess the relevance of the NAMA Facility in the current market environment and if management of implementation of the NAMA Facility can be further improved.
Who will read the evaluation?
The immediate audience of the mid-term evaluation of the NAMA Facility include the TSU, the Donors as well as its applicants.
To contact us, please email Hannah Betts at