Call for Projects 2025 – Concept Phase
The Mitigation Action Facility announced and launched its Call for Projects 2025 on 19 November 2024 at a high-level event at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan at the NDC Partnership Pavilion.
Applicants can apply for the Call for Projects 2025, through our Open Application Platform (OAP).
The Concept Phase will be open from the 19 November 2024 to the 19 February 2025.
Learn more about the Project Cycle:
Read the General Information Document to get all key information on the Facility and the Call Process, with versions in English and also French, Spanish and Arabic.
In the new Call, the most ambitious and feasible climate change mitigation projects are selected for funding support through a comprehensive process including the following phases: Concept Phase, Outline Phase, Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP) and Implementation Phase.
Given the focus of the Mitigation Action Facility on the three priority sectors of energy, industry and transport, the Facility can significantly contribute to initiatives such as the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, the Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) and the Climate Club. Where relevant, synergies with and a clear reference to the political agreement of the JETPs as well as the consecutive papers (such as an investment plan or an implementation plan) and the Climate Club priorities on transforming industries in the respective countries are highly encouraged.
The Mitigation Action Facility continues to fund ambitious climate change mitigation projects to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies (LTS) that are central to meeting the Paris Agreement goals. The Call for Projects 2025 will offer climate finance for the implementation of mitigation projects aligned to new ambitious NDCs due in 2025 (NDCs 3.0).
General information about the Call
- Three priority sectors – energy, transport, industry – and support to cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors
- Continued focus on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), as well as emphasis on long-term strategies (LTS), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) processes and global cooperation (NDC Partnership)
- Provision of a grant-based fundingfor projects that combine technical assistance and financial cooperation targeting market-based, sustainable and scalable financial mechanisms
- An upper funding volume of EUR 25 million per project
- A limit of 6 Project Concepts per Applicantincluding its regional representations and /or subsidiaries
- An upper limit of up to 25 Project Concepts selected to proceed into the Project Outline Phasein which further, more detailed, elaboration of the project needs to take place
- Tailored support in the Outline development provided to a small number of Project Concepts (out of the 25 selected for the Project Outline Phase) submitted by Applicants that have limited previous experience with the Mitigation Action Facility (and its predecessor, the NAMA Facility)
- Piloting modality for novel technologies
- Public and private actors invited to submit Project Concepts
- Eligibility checks and initial concept filtering will be supported by an artificial intelligence-driven tool.
- In case of any questions or difficulties, feel free to reach out to
Please read the General Information Document (GID).
Launch of the Call:
Mitigation Action Facility side event at COP29 in Baku (19 November 2024)
Project Concept Phase (mandatory):
19 November 2024 – 19 February 2025
Assessment and selection of Project Concepts:
February – May 2025
Project Outline Phase:
Assessment and selection of Project Outlines:
Contracting for the Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP):
Submission of Project Proposals:
Funding decision based on Project Proposals:
- Project Concept Template (example, for information only)
- Mitigation Guideline for the Project Concept Phase
- Monitoring & Evaluation Framework (Factsheet)
- Financial Mechanism Applications (Factsheet)
- Potential for Transformational Change
- Mitigation Action Facility’s Gender Vision and Gender Action Plan
- Recording of the webinar on most common questions in the Concept Phase of the Call for Projects 2024
- Recording of the webinar on the Call for Projects 2024 and lessons learnt from the Concept Phase of the Call 2023
- Webinar series: Concept Phase of the Call for Projects 2023 (with further links to recordings and slide decks)
- Contract Templates for Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP). (generic example, for information only)
- Video explaining the Concept Phase
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Project Concept Phase preceding the development of Project Outlines was introduced with the Mitigation Action Facility Call for Projects 2023 to simplify the application process and open the competition to a wider range of potential applicants and partners. This modality remains valid for the Call for Projects 2025. For the presentation of Project Concepts, an Open Application Platform (OAP) is used inviting applicants to provide details on the envisioned intervention. No Annexes need to be filled out. The application form in OAP is guided by the questions that will at a later stage require further, more detailed, elaboration in the Project Outline.
Project Concepts can be submitted exclusively through the Open Application Platform (OAP) accessible via the Mitigation Action Facility website. Project Concepts submitted in any other way will not be considered in the assessment process.
Project Concepts and, upon selection, Project Outlines can be submitted by the following Applicants:
- A national ministry; in that case, a separate legal entity should be identified latest at the Project Outline Phase as the Applicant Support Partner (ASP) for contracting during DPP (not yet required at the Project Concept Phase). The ASP must comply with certain capacity and eligibility criteria to be considered eligible for support.
- Legal entities that comply with certain capacity and eligibility requirements and receive sufficient endorsement by the national government institutions relevant for the potential implementation of the project. The endorsement needs to be demonstrated at the Project Outline Phase in the form of endorsement letters (not yet required at the Project Concept Phase)
All capacity and eligibility requirements of Applicants / ASP are further detailed in chapter 3.5, 5.1.1, 5.2.2 and Annex 3 of the General Information Document (GID).
As government agencies, non-governmental organisations and commercial organisations (national or international) are legal entities, they can serve as Applicant, Applicant Support Partner and, later, an Implementation Organisation. It holds true even if the non-governmental / commercial organisation is located a non-ODA country as long as a proposed project is to be implemented in an ODA-eligible country. It is also possible that the APS is made up of a consortium of legal entities.
In case a Project Concept is selected for the Outline Phase, the Technical Support Unit (TSU) will assist individual Applicants and/or ASPs shall there be a need in identifying additional partners (e.g. to form a partnership in case of insufficient individual capacities or for a national ministry to define an ASP).
There are no regional and / or geographic preferences as part of the Call for Projects 2025. The Call is open to all ODA-eligible countries.
However, it should be ensured that a project serves and is spent in line with the public benefit purpose to promote sustainable development in partner countries that are included in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC)-list; and that it is implemented in and/or linked to one of the Mitigation Faction Facility’s priority sectors, namely energy, transport or industry.
Projects in the cross-border and regional contexts are eligible.
Yes, this is possible. Each Project Concept is assessed on its own merits and the same selection criteria, regardless of whether it comes from the same or different countries.
The sector(s) that a project engages with should be explicitly included in the partner country’s NDC to affirm the alignment of the project with national priorities and ensure that the project supports the implementation of NDC, is aligned with LTS and contributes overall to the UNFCCC process. The Call for Projects 2025 does not feature any eligibility requirements linked to the submission of the first updated, second NDCs or the NDC 3.0 by national governments. However, projects should demonstrate a high level of alignment with the plans developed within the framework of the NDC Partnership (NDCP) as far as these exist. For more information on project characteristics see GID, chapter 4.1.